You have been contacted by a company named Credit Acceptance Corporation and want to verify who they are. Their entire business is as an indirect lender for automobile loans. Many people in the St. Paul/ Minneapolis area have used them for a car loan. What Does Indirect Lender Mean? As an indirect lender, they are… Read more »
5 Best Bankruptcy Attorneys in Minneapolis, Minnesota
The problem of being able to pay credit cards and debt collectors may have snuck up on you. It may have been getting harder and harder to make the money last paycheck to paycheck. Or, perhaps you were suddenly laid off and were not able to immediately replace your job. Whatever the reason, you cannot… Read more »
Who Is Cavalry SPV I, LLC?
Let’s cut right to the chase: You most likely landed on this article because you’re in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. And you’re getting a relentless stream of calls, letters or both from a company you’ve never heard of: Cavalry SPV I, LLC. And the content of these calls is alarming: they’re either threatening to sue, or… Read more »
Who Is LVNV Funding, LLC?
Okay, so you received a letter or got a phone call from some company called LVNV Funding, LLC or Resurgent stating they are attempting to collect a debt from you for money they claim you owe them. Problem is, you have never heard of them. Initially, you might think it’s some sort of scam to extort… Read more »
Who is Cach LLC?
A common complaint we hear from Twin Cities clients involves harassing phone calls and court letters from a company called Cach LLC. Maybe you too have been contacted by Cach LLC and are wondering why? If so, the following information should prove very useful. Cach LLC is one of the largest purchasers of debt in… Read more »
Who Is Asset Acceptance LLC?
Asset Acceptance LLC May Be Going to Court Against You in Minnesota Because of a financial setback, you have gotten behind or not paid on some credit card debt. You are not the type of person to try to get out of meeting your obligations, but things happened that made it out of your control…. Read more »
Who Is Cavalry SPV I LLC?
Is Calvary Portfolio Services a scam? Cavalry Portfolio Services is a legitimate debt collection company with a history of harassing consumers on debts owed. They often bring civil lawsuits against people in Minneapolis, Saint Paul, and greater Minnesota. If you’re reading this article it is likely because you have no idea who Calvary SPC I… Read more »
Who Is Midland Funding, LLC, What Can I Do If They Sent Me a Court Letter?
You may have received a letter from Midland Funding, LLC and wonder what it’s all about. The more likely scenario, however, is that you received a summons and complaint, or court notice from Midland Credit Management (MCM), and you’re trying to figure out who they are and why they’re contacting you. They are two entities within… Read more »
New Year, New You?
Now you’ve recovered form the festive period, then perhaps you’ve already decided what you’re going to focus on this year, and have decided what New Year, New You means for you this year. What are your goals? Maybe New Year, New You means that you’re going to: Get your finances in order, or see how… Read more »
Toys R Us Files Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
Following on from the news that Toys R Us filed Chapter 11 Bankruptcy in September, we thought we’d explain more about why a company would file for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, and how it compares a person filing for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. Business bankruptcies and personal bankruptcies have two basic similarities: 1. … Read more »