Why Should You Even Pay Your Creditors? If you are going to file for bankruptcy in the future, you may wonder why should you even continue to pay your creditors? Well, you shouldn’t. Many people, before filing for bankruptcy, stop paying their creditors and use that money they otherwise would have sent to them to… Read more »
What Impact Does Filing For Bankruptcy Have On Existing Judgements or Garnishments?
Minnesota residents often hesitate to file bankruptcy when they have existing liens or judgments. Many believe that once they have a judgment against them, it is then too late. Our attorney Andrew Curtis Walker would like to clear up this misconception by providing some valuable information. Effect on Pending Judgments Upon filing bankruptcy, anyone who is seeking… Read more »
Debt Collector Misconduct Attorney in Minneapolis, Minnesota
If you’ve been in debt, then you know what it’s like having debt collection creditors call to find out when they can expect you to start making payments again. While it’s bad enough when the people you owe money to blow up your phone, it can get doubly frustrating when creditors start harassing your friends… Read more »
What is Some Advice a Bankruptcy Attorney Would Give Potential Filers?
Facing Bankruptcy in Minnesota? Call Walker & Walker Today! When you hire a bankruptcy lawyer, they will be able to explain and knowledgbly walk you through the bankruptcy process. However, you will find that one of the number one tips that you get from a bankruptcy lawyer prior to actually filing for bankruptcy is… Read more »
Exempt and Non-Exempt Property in Minnesota Bankruptcy
Minneapolis Bankruptcy Attorneys Frequently, clients come to us with a fear that filing for bankruptcy will cause them to lose most of their property. Alleviating that fear is one of the rewarding aspects of our work. In reality, most clients get to keep all or most of their assets. In Minnesota you can keep your house,… Read more »
What Kinds of Debt Can and Cannot Be Discharged in Minnesota Bankruptcy?
Minnesota Bankruptcy Lawyers Fighting For You If you are considering filing for bankruptcy, you probably have many questions. Often, our clients ask us what kinds of debts can and cannot be discharged. Other clients want to know what we mean when we say certain debts can be discharged. First, we’ll clarify what discharging debts means… Read more »
How Do You Know When to File Personal vs. Business Bankruptcy?
Twin Cities Bankruptcy Lawyers Fighting For You People don’t like the idea of bankruptcy. It is something that many people fear having to claim, especially if they have a small business, own their own home, etc. Owning a small business and needing to file bankruptcy is a scary situation. In reality, filing bankruptcy usually fixes… Read more »
How To Remove A Judgment Lien in Minnesota
Minneapolis Bankruptcy Attorney Fighting For You Previous unpaid debts such as medical bills, collections, and loans can come back to haunt you in a very serious way…in the form of a judgment lien against your home, or any other land or buildings that you own. If you live in Minnesota and have been issued… Read more »
What is Chapter 7 Liquidation?
Minnesota Bankruptcy Attorneys Fighting For You When a debtor files for protection under Chapter 7 of the bankruptcy code, they must meet certain financial criteria. Chapter 7 may be used by both individuals and small business owners who can meet the guidelines. This criterion is based on the median income in the state in which… Read more »
How Do I File Chapter 7 With No Money?
One of the biggest challenges of bankruptcy is that people need to file bankruptcy because they don’t have any money, but it COSTS MONEY to file bankruptcy. Bankruptcy makes people money because it stops debt payments and improves net worth, but it only does this when the case is actually filed, which costs money. What… Read more »