The problem of being able to pay credit cards and debt collectors may have snuck up on you. It may have been getting harder and harder to make the money last paycheck to paycheck. Or, perhaps you were suddenly laid off and were not able to immediately replace your job. Whatever the reason, you cannot keep going on trying to juggle who gets paid when there are more debts than money available.
Bankruptcy…, yes it does have a scary sound. But filing bankruptcy fixes the problem by making the debt go away and creating the conditions to build good credit. Filing bankruptcy is letting your creditors know you recognize a problem and will be able to get relief from the stress of getting phone calls and trying to appease them. There are different types of bankruptcy, and different procedures according to what is best for you.
Best Bankruptcy Lawyers in the Twin Cities
The following list is a good place to start to find an bankruptcy attorney that is best for you. Sites used to gather data are Avvo, Martindale Hubbell, and Super Lawyers. They are in random order, not listed according to the best rating.
Curtis K. Walker
Walker and Walker Law Offices
- Mr. Walker has been practicing law for over 40 years.
- He has filed over 40,000 cases.
- As a speaker, he is in demand at many bankruptcy institutes and continuing education classes.
- He has 76 testimonials on his website.
- Mr. Walker is listed as a Martindale Hubbard Client Champion Gold 2019.
- He has over 74 Google reviews and a 4.7 rating.
- A free case evaluation is offered.
Gregory J. Wald
- Mr. Wald has been licensed for 33 years.
- Avvo rating of 10
- 16 5-star client reviews
- 11 attorney endorsements
- He is a member of the National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Lawyers, Minnesota Bar Association, Avvo, and the Better Business Bureau.
- A free consultation is offered to get you started.
- Bankruptcy law is his only specialty, and he is often teaching other attorneys how to practice bankruptcy law.
Jessica N. McKinney
Mckinney Law Office
- Ms. McKinney has practiced law for 10 years.
- She has an Avvo rating of 10.
- In 2012-2013 she served as the chair to the Bankruptcy Section of the Minnesota Bar Association, is also a member of the National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys, and participates in the local Bankruptcy Pro Bono Committee.
- There are very helpful FAQ’s on the website, and an initial consultation is recommended.
Ronald J. Lundquist
The Minnesota Bankruptcy Law Center
- Mr. Lundquist has been licensed for 22 years.
- He has an Avvo rating of 10.
- 85 5-star reviews are listed on Avvo.
- The number of fellow attorney endorsements is at 22.
- A free consultation is offered.
Nathan M. Hansen
Hansen Law Office
- He has practiced law in Minnesota since 2003.
- An Avvo rating of 9.1 is listed.
- He has 38 5-star client reviews.
- 17 of his fellow attorneys have endorsed him.
- There is a form on his website to fill out for a free consultation.
Always do your due diligence when trying to decide on an attorney to answer your questions and possibly represent you. A good bankruptcy attorney is not only experienced but will put you at ease about your situation. He will explain the options and also help you sort out how to proceed in the years after the filing. This is a complicated and emotional time for you. Reach out to our office by contacting us to get started on putting this behind you and having a fresh start for your financial future.