Credit reports are supposed to show how much money a person owes on various debts and when or if the borrower is making payments on those debts. Because bankruptcy makes many types of debts go away completely and forbids collections, at least temporarily, on others, it can be like a tidal wave on the credit… Read more »
Walker & Walker agrees that Bankruptcy is a solution to the student loan crisis
The Minneapolis Star Tribune recently ran an opinion piece stating that bankruptcy is a natural solution to the student debt crisis. At Walker & Walker, we completely agree! and that isn’t just because we are bankruptcy lawyers. Bankruptcy has long been a special piece of the American Financial and Legal system that keeps borrowers… Read more »
Bankruptcy Works on Internet Loans
The American economy is always changing and there are always new loan companies and new ways to borrow money. Most people know that bankruptcy works on (discharges) credit card loans and medical bills, but you may be wondering if bankruptcy works on fintech loans or Internet loans. The short answer is that these loans get… Read more »
How Do I close a Business?
If a business isn’t making money and isn’t likely to start making money soon, then it often makes sense to close it. In modern America, there are many expensive costs to running a business, even one that isn’t making money, so it can make sense to close it quickly before the losses get larger. But… Read more »
I Owe Minnesota Unemployment Compensation For an Overpayment. Can Bankruptcy Help?
Sometimes an unemployment overpayment will go away in bankruptcy, but usually it survives. Whether it goes away or not depends on whether the overpayment . Chapter 13 Bankruptcy will also stop garnishment for unemployment for up to 5 even if the overpayment doesn’t get discharged in the bankruptcy. This is because bankruptcy gives you an… Read more »
Can I File Bankruptcy on a Bail Bond?
In Minnesota you can file bankruptcy on a bail bond. I have represented several people who have successfully filed on a bail bond, and it went away completely. WHAT IS A BAIL BOND, WHO OWES IT? A bail bond is kind of like a loan. If someone is charged with a crime and arrested,… Read more »
Minneapolis Landlords Are Now Forbidden to Screen Tenants By Credit Scores
Getting approved for renting apartments or other housing is a good reason to watch your credit score. Everyone knows that in the Twin Cities Metro, there is a housing shortage, so landlords have become more picky about which tenants they will work with. The Minneapolis City Council recently decided to change its laws on… Read more »
What is a Bankruptcy Estate?
Filing Bankruptcy protects your stuff from creditors. But to understand how that works, it helps to understand what a ‘Bankruptcy Estate’ is. Now you’ve probably heard the word estate used in phrases like ‘real estate,’ ‘family estate,’ or ‘estate planning.’ In bankruptcy, your estate is everything you have at the exact moment you file your… Read more »
Why Should I Opt Out of Arbitration?
What Is Arbitration for a Loan? Arbitration is a sort of parallel court system that allows people and companies to opt out of using the courts of the United States to resolve disputes. It is very popular for lending companies like credit card and car loan companies. These big companies like to use it because… Read more »
Who Is Barclay’s Bank Delaware?
Why is Barclay’s Bank Delaware on my credit report? Or you may have received collection calls or notices from them. You live in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area of Minnesota, so you might think this is fraudulent activity because you have never been to Delaware. Who is Barclay’s Bank Delaware? According to Bloomberg they also are associated as… Read more »