Minnesota Bankruptcy Attorneys That Can Help You A common concern that many have when they consider filing for bankruptcy is the effect it has on their credit score. Bankruptcy can stay on your credit history for as long as 10 years, but most of our clients have a better credit score than before bankruptcy after… Read more »
What Assets Can I Keep in Chapter 7?
Minnesota Bankruptcy Attorneys Fighting For You Although bankruptcy has been around for awhile, it still has this misconception by those who have never filed that the courts will take basically everything you love to pay down your debts. That is not true at all. In fact, you will find that you can retain actually quite… Read more »
All About Your 401(k) In A Bankruptcy – you keep it almost no matter what
Bankruptcy Attorneys in Minneapolis & St. Paul You worked your whole life to save enough money for retirement through a 401(k.) It is understandable to worry about what will happen to your account if you are filing for bankruptcy. Fortunately, there is plenty of information about how bankruptcy affects your 401(k.) Are The Funds Safe?… Read more »
What Happens If Someone Dies During Bankruptcy?
How Death and Bankruptcy Work in Minnesota It is not a situation that happens every day, but the unpredictability of life has seen it happen before. A debtor begins the necessary steps to file bankruptcy, and then somewhere during the process, they pass away. Sudden and confusing, the heirs not only have to deal with… Read more »
Do I Have to Go to Court If I File for Bankruptcy?
Minnesota Bankruptcy Attorneys You Can Trust For many, any day that they have to go to a courthouse is a bad day. It can be incredibly nerve-wracking to stand in a courtroom, in front of a judge, and under oath even if you have done nothing wrong and are there for a civil matter. As… Read more »
I’m Married – Does My Spouse Have to File for Bankruptcy Too?
Minneapolis Bankruptcy Attorneys at Walker & Walker If you are considering bankruptcy and married, you are likely prepared to have to file bankruptcy as a couple. This is the case for many legal issues once you tie the knot, but bankruptcy can be the exception. If you are married, you can still technically file for… Read more »
Is It Better to File a Chapter 7 or 13 Bankruptcy in Minnesota?
Which Is The Better Option For Me? If you are considering bankruptcy, you may have been doing your reading on both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy in order to determine which is the better choice. In truth, neither is better than the other innately. It is more accurate to say that one may be… Read more »
4 Essential Questions Customers Ask Our Talented Team Of Bankruptcy Lawyers
Minneapolis Bankruptcy Attorneys Can Help You Nothing is sure or permanent in life and, sometimes, things don’t happen the way we want or expect them to. We cannot control everything and certain responsibilities can start to overcome us. Healthcare costs, emergency credit card usage, and other such problems are just a part of modern life… Read more »
How Much Do I Have To Be In Debt To File Chapter 7?
Filing For Bankruptcy in Minnesota Starts By Calling Walker & Walker Many people across the globe are finding themselves under increasing pressure due to the amount of debt that is piling up. While many people may not have a huge amount of debt, the ability to pay everything back is becoming more improbable. When people… Read more »
Are PPP Loans & EIDL Loans Dischargeable in Bankruptcy?
Can I Discharge PPP & EIDL Loans During Bankruptcy? As the Covid-19 pandemic surged across communities in the U.S. many businesses were forced to shut their doors or drastically restrict their services. The federal government provided aid to many businesses in the form of two loan options through the Payment Protection Program (PPP) Loan &… Read more »